Are You Prepared to Age Safely at Home Webinar
Are You Prepared to Age Safely at Home?
Gerry is Care Consultant and Outreach Specialist with Home Care Assistance. Having the pleasure of working in the health care and senior living arenas in Tucson over the last 12 years, relationship-building has been her mission. Her “why” is compassion-driven, to help seniors age with dignity. A native of Pittsburgh, Gerry has lived in Tucson for over 30 years. If she is not working, she is probably hanging out at the park with her 14-mo. old Pomeranian, catching up on the latest summer read or swimming in the backyard pool.
David Karp
Gerry Bolkcom
Contact Us Today
Please call us at 520-395-1551 or complete the contact information below.
Law Office of David I. Karp, PLLC
5405 N. Oracle Rd., Ste 101
Tucson, AZ 85704
(520) 395-1551 (voice)
(520) 784-0606 (fax)