Attorney David I. Karp

A Tucson community member since 1999, David I. Karp believes in personalizing estate planning to each client’s particular needs and goals. Dave believes explaining a client’s options in clear and understandable terms is key to creating an effective estate plan. Dave greatly values the opportunity to help clients ensure their loved ones are protected. His collaborative, analytical, and creative abilities allow him to develop comprehensive yet tailored estate plans.
Dave earned a J.D. from the University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law in 2009 (cum laude) and earned a B.S.E. in Industrial and Operations Engineering from the University of Michigan in 1991. In law school, Dave was a writer for the Arizona Journal of International and Comparative Law from 2007-2009. He is admitted to practice law in Arizona and is a member of the State Bar of Arizona, the Southern Arizona Estate Planning Council, WealthCounsel, and ElderCounsel. He also runs a monthly study group for financial advisors, life insurance agents, and accountants. In between his college and law school years, Dave worked as a civilian for the U.S. Navy, was a business consultant, and cared for his infant son for two years. Dave is married to a Tucson physician and has two children (Corey, 12 and Adina, 16).
Dave believes deeply in giving back to the Tucson community. He was the 2010-2011 campaign co-chair and is a current Board member of the Jewish Education Tax Credit Organization (JETCO), an organization that provides needs-based scholarship assistance for students who attend Tucson Hebrew Academy and the Jewish Community Center, Anshei Israel, and Temple Emanu-El Kindergartens. He greatly enjoys working with the Jewish Community Foundation of Southern Arizona and has served on its Grants Oversight Committee and Grants Deliberation Committee, which awards grants to local, national, and international charitable projects. He is also a member of the Foothills Club, which raises money for children’s charities in Tucson.
Dave is an avid reader and a big Michigan sports fan, but mostly enjoys spending time with his wife and two children.