Corey Will Be Performing This Weekend
Many have asked me to share when my fourteen year-old son Corey will perform so you can see him dance and sing. With that in mind, I am proud to share that Corey will be performing this weekend (May 29 and 30) in two different shows—first in a dance show on Friday evening at the Tucson Dance Academy summer dance recital at Centennial Hall, then Saturday in a performance show at the Kids Unlimited Spring show at the Berger Performing Arts Theater at the Arizona School for the Deaf and Blind.
Tickets for the Friday evening Tucson Dance Academy show at 7 pm can be purchased at Centennial Hall at the door. Adult tickets are $14 and children tickets are $11, which is a big discount from previous years! If you live in Saddlebrooke and have seen the incredible Christmas Dance Show—these are the same dancers!
Tickets for the Saturday afternoon Kids Unlimited show at 3 pm can also be purchased at the door of the Berger Performing Arts Theater at the Arizona School for the Deaf and Blind. Tickets are $15 for adults and $11 for children and seniors.
If you attend either show, please stop by and say hi if you see me.